All doses of Wegovy® are available nationwide.

Make the future yours

Visualizing your goals can be a powerful motivator when it comes to weight management. WeGoTogether® is here for you every step of the way, offering guidance, encouragement, and the support you need to help you succeed. To build a vision board that reflects your long-term aspirations, swipe through the images and select 1-15 favorites. We recommend you select at least 10, but no more than 15 images.

Ready for the big reveal?

Visualizing your goals can be a powerful way to stay motivated. Print this. Pin it up. Screenshot it and use it as a digital background. Take it with you to appointments. Make it your new North Star so you can see your bright future ahead.

Inspiration can strike at any time, so whenever you feel like updating your vision board, you can always come back to this activity, which can be found in the My Library section of your resources. Begin this activity again.