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Category: Lifestyle
Audio Length: ~7:30 minutes

NARRATOR: Mindfulness means paying attention with purpose to the present moment without judgment. Let’s give it a try.

Take a moment to imagine something with me; a day in the life, living mindfully. Meet Jane, a person who is managing her weight and working hard to incorporate mindfulness practices into her day. Let’s see how it’s going.

NARRATOR: [Introducing a section] Mindful movement in the morning.

NARRATOR: As Jane wakes up, her eyes open and the sound of her alarm echoes in the space. She wants to close her eyes and go back to sleep, but she knows she has to start her day. Her family, her work, and more need her attention. But in these precious few minutes as she rises, she needs her attention the most.

There are lots of ways she could practice mindfulness, but right now, mindful movement seems right for her.

She imagines pulling out the yoga mat, but today that feels like a lot. Instead, she takes a moment to pull her awareness back into her body and truly feel every movement she makes this morning.

As she lifts the blanket from her body, she takes a moment to feel the sensation of the fabric against her skin. She swings her legs over the side of the bed. She feels the cold wood floor beneath her toes and the movement of her joints as she stands. She stretches her arms up above her head and lingers there for a few moments, feeling both her body and mind wake up.

These small moments of mindful movement she practiced have set her up for an intentional and present day.


What’s one small thing you can add to your morning routine to prepare yourself for the day ahead?


NARRATOR: [Introducing a new section] Midmorning mindful breathing.

NARRATOR: Daily life is full of distractions. As soon as Jane boards the train to start her busy commute to work, she feels her shoulders tensing up and her jaw clenching at the noise, the traffic, and even her own chaotic thoughts. These can be signs of stress—and also signs that it’s time to have a mindful moment.

Jane knows that one way to silence distractions is through mindful breathing. She works to tune out the noise in her mind and around her and focuses on the feeling of her lungs expanding and contracting. She takes a few deep breaths, and notices her thoughts wandering—what do I need to grab from the grocery store later?—but she’s able to gently refocus on her breathing.

In and out, a few seconds each time. After a minute or two, she returns her focus to what’s happening around her.


Can you think of a time during your daily routine when mindful breathing could help you regain your focus?


NARRATOR: [Introducing a new section] Mindful eating at meal time.

NARRATOR: Jane glances at the clock and realizes it’s time for a meal.

She sits down in front of leftovers from the night before. It’s actually a bit exciting—she knows that the homemade soup she made tastes better the next day. She notices that this meal looks different than what she ate before starting on her weight-management path. There are more colors in the bowl than she’s used to, and a wider variety of flavors.

Jane recognizes this as another moment to practice mindfulness. Her spoon hovers over her mouth for a moment. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, taking in the smell and noticing the sensation of hunger as she begins to eat.

She takes a spoonful and feels the texture of the food, the warmth, and the taste. After a moment, she reflects on what it took to make this meal. A trip to the grocery store last week, and an hour last night spent cooking in her kitchen. Each spoonful begins to feel like a gift.


What foods have you discovered that nourish both your body and mind?


NARRATOR: [Introducing a new section] Practice being less than perfect.

NARRATOR: Jane is catching up with a friend over coffee. Jane’s friend heads toward Jane’s table with 2 pastries and they hand one to her.

Jane takes it, but she starts to wonder if she should. She asks herself if this is aligned with her eating plan—but it is her favorite dessert. She decides to take the time to enjoy the treat and tells herself she’ll have half now and save half for later. After all, life is about balance.

Her friend leans in and Jane knows that look on their face; they’ve got a tale to tell. Soon, she gets caught up in the lively conversation and laughs. Before she knows it, it’s time to say goodbye. As Jane stands to leave, she notices the empty plate and scattered crumbs. Oops! When did that happen?

So much for saving half for later. As Jane starts thinking about what she should have done, she stops herself. It’s just one moment of her day.

And it really was a great moment. It was a lovely treat—both the food and her friend’s company. Jane realizes she’s made a lot of progress since she last saw her friend. And she knows that she doesn’t have to be perfect to keep moving forward.


Are there times when you could practice letting yourself be less than perfect?


NARRATOR: [Introducing a new section] Nightly resets and reflections.

NARRATOR: Aside from the numbers on the scale, Jane thinks about the different types of progress she’s made on her weight-management path. She asks herself: How are things different now from when she began?

After spending some time reflecting, Jane heads to bed—right after she lays out that yoga mat for tomorrow morning.

Which moments of Jane’s day resonated with you the most?

Reflect on successes along the way

Recognizing milestones, both on and off the scale, is an important part of managing your weight and keeping up motivation. Mindfulness is being present in the current moment, intentionally and in a nonjudgmental way.

Studies show that practicing mindfulness along with self-compassion and self-acceptance are great ways to help manage feelings like stress and anxiety. These practices may also help improve emotional regulation, attention, sleep quality, and more.

Topics for mindful reflection

  • How your body feels in different moments (during exercise, during meal times, at rest, etc.)
  • What changes you have made since starting your weight-management path
  • How you practice mindfulness in your day-to-day life
  • What you have learned about nutrition, physical activity, and wellness
  • Which forms of self-care work best for you and your body

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